I have made a Power Pages app that I want to use to fetch which companies want to meet which on a business trip.
To do this, they log in and go through a form, where they can insert and send one and one wish. I want the form to be more user friendly. There is only one lookup field in the form as of now, which is really the only thing I need in the form. This lookup displays all the companies registered in the Account table in Dataverse.
I have two main wishes, that I unfortunately can't seem to figure out on my own:
- I want the lookup to display more than 10 companies per page
- I want the lookup to be more of a multiple choice
Each company gets to send 10 wishes. Sending 10 different wishes doesn't seem user friendly, so choosing 10 from a single paged lookup modal and sending it once is what I want.
Is there any way to do this in Power Pages?
Thank you @Lucas001!
I will have a look!
Hi @hagru,
as it would be custom all along i would go with a fetchXML query as you will need either the names or the Lookup ids dynamically loaded.
This video will give you some help to understand what needs to be passed to your backend (suggestion is an embedded cloud flow): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WSSUIkKs2c
You can than create your form similar to that approach: https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_select_multiple
Insert a button which runs a cloud flow accepting inputs. Pass the needed inputs as JSON-String. After that let the PowerAutomate return a success message and process the data. If you want to send an email or further process the the clicked options, do it with the flow. What I can recommend here is returning the response and processing the data afterwards, so that the success message will be displayed faster and the user does not have to wait till the flow finishes.
Hope that helps.
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You can than go with
Hey @Fubar
Creating that Site Setting worked like a charm! Thank you!
Hi @Lucas001
I was afraid that was the case. Do you have any good guides, videos or blogposts that would be helpful creating a form with a single multiple select variant of the lookup field?
Maybe it is easier to display each value in the form with checkboxes beside them, letting the user select multiple companies and submitting the form with the selected values?
After some further investigation, I see that I can add a Choice field in my table, and use that as a multi-select variant:
Is it possible to make a relation between a choice and a table, so that all the names of the accounts for example appears in the choice, including new ones if more are added to the table?
Lookups are not multi select - You will need to implement something yourself for that requirement.
To increase the number of items per page in the Lookup you can set/create the Site Setting (but note this setting will affect all lookups)
Hi @hagru,
your request is unfortunately not something you can achieve OOB as of my knowledge.
What you can do is create a flow and integrate that into your form.
Use FetchXML with a custom form including HTML, CSS as you need to deisgn the form to your wishes and let the user select all needed records. After that let the user submit the form and pass all values to your cloudflow which can than handle the booking.
It sure is a lot to customize but should be possible and the easiest solution coming to my mind.
Hope that helps.
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