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Power Automate - Building Flows
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License Details and variables

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What is the difference between user license and flow license? How many flows we can execute for one license? What is the execution limit for each flow?
i am trying to create 2 flows .
Approach 1: 1 flow will execute for 6 hours and another flow will execute it for 4 hours. 
Approach 2: 1 flow itself executing for 10 hours . 
Which approach is best. is there any cost will be charged for flows ?
Environment variables  are there under solutions. is there any global variable concept available in power automate where i can store all the static data like config file to read it across the flows.?
  • Suggested answer
    SaiRT14 Profile Picture
    SaiRT14 1,931 on at
    License Details and variables
    Pls check the following:

    Comparison of User License vs Flow License

    Aspect User License Flow License
    Scope Assigned to a specific user Assigned to a specific flow
    Usage Personal or user-triggered flows Shared or system-initiated flows
    License Examples Microsoft 365 plans (e.g., Office 365 E3) Power Automate Per Flow plan
    Runs Per Month - Microsoft 365: 5,000 runs/user/month Unlimited runs for licensed flows
      - Premium: 40,000 runs/user/month  
    Premium Connectors Requires additional licensing Included
    Ideal Use Case Flows run by or related to specific users Business processes used by multiple users

    Comparison of Flow Approaches

    Aspect Approach 1 (Two Flows: 6 hrs + 4 hrs) Approach 2 (Single Flow: 10 hrs)
    Advantages Modular, easier to troubleshoot Simpler to manage overall
    Disadvantages Slightly more complex to manage multiple flows Larger flow might become harder to debug if errors occur
    Cost Similar, depends on total runs Similar, depends on total runs
    Recommendation Use for logically distinct processes Use for closely related processes

    Global Variables in Power Automate

    Option Description Best Use Case
    Environment Variables Static/configuration data shared across flows in a solution Store API endpoints, keys, or reusable configurations
    SharePoint List / Dataverse Use as a global storage for data accessible by multiple flows Centralized configuration accessible by many flows
    Compose Action Define variables locally within a flow Temporary data within a single flow
    Azure Key Vault Secure storage for sensitive data Storing secrets like API keys or passwords

    Key Recommendations

    Recommendation Details
    Use Environment Variables For static data/configurations across multiple flows in a solution.
    Monitor flow execution frequency To optimize runs and avoid exceeding limits.
    Choose licensing based on use case For shared processes, consider Per Flow license for scalability.
    Modularize flows if possible Keep flows smaller and modular for better maintainability.

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