Hi, we have contact records with email address in it. However, when a user trying to login using their existing B2C credentials (created as part of some other LOB application's registration), I was expecting the Portal to automatically try and associate the user identity with the existing contact record. However, strangely the portal is showing a screen like this..
and when the user gives the email address, portal is actually creating a new contact record instead of associating with existing. Does any one observed this behaviour previously? Any thoughts?
The only difference I see in the B2C claims bag is - the email address is coming under "otherMails" node as it is a custom policy implemented by Client, where as the standard B2C claims bag it is coming under "emails" node. Could that be the difference?
Custom Policy:
OOB policy:
I have tried to include these as additional registration/login claims but no luck 😞
Thank you
Hi @SAlluri ,
Yes, the issue is that the portal cannot find the email claim (Power Pages expect to see it in one of the three claims - see here https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-pages/security/authentication/openid-faqs#does-power-pages-require-a-specific-claim-in-an-id-token). Make sure that you configure your custom policy to return email in one of those claims.