Hello! I've setup custom connectors before, but it's mainly been with Content-Type: application/json. I'm now working with a Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded and I'm struggling!
The below curl is what I can use to call the API successfully via terminal:
curl --location 'https://sampleWebpage.com/runAPI' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic base64encryptedAuth' \
--data-urlencode 'expression=callApi(Param1= "param1", Param2="param2", paramValues = [ {} ] );'
Below is how I configure the definition of the custom connector given this curl
When I go to test the custom connector however, I use the below values:
I'm able to get past authentication, but the 400 error tells me that the "expression" is not configured correctly. I'm pretty sure it's because the body is configured incorrectly. The body almost feels like it wants to treat it like an application/json, but there is technically no body, there's instead data-urlencode. I've tried doing something similar by having that as a header but still no dice. Is there a trick to how to define custom connectors when it's a urlencoded type? Is there maybe a policy I need to define? I've been working on this for days but can't get it!