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Condense Multiple control actions with apply to each

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Posted on 6 Sep 2024 13:04:00 by 24
I am using a form with over 100 questions and as of right now my flow works but editing it is super slow and annoying. A section of the flow will have actions for each form question which it checks if it has an answer or not. If it does then it adds a row to my excel table. Once I reached about 70 of these "Check" actions the page becomes "Unresponsive" and you have to wait for it to load. I was wondering if there is a solution to apply to each question: Is it answered? if yes then, add row to excel and input Question text and answer in that row. Any assistance would be gratefully appreciated. 
  • Davefin Profile Picture
    Davefin 24 on 09 Sep 2024 at 13:52:31
    Condense Multiple control actions with apply to each
    If the question was answered with a QTY number then the following info would be added to the row of a table like this:
    If you had an example of what you did once I'll give it a try but I'll need a walkthrough as I am still learning how to use variables and manipulate them.
  • Suggested answer
    FLMike Profile Picture
    FLMike 29,371 on 07 Sep 2024 at 04:23:04
    Condense Multiple control actions with apply to each
    Well.. yes and no kinda.
    You can definitely grab the JSON from the Get Response Details. You will notice that all the questions are there.
    The issue is, there is NO question "text" its just the values, in order of the form.
    So you could grab the Form, get the Text Values for the questions and then use that Index to check if the thing has an answer.
    The question I have is, do you write to the Target and put the question text AND the answers or just the answers??
    If its just the answers, then sure you can do what you want and just write them in ORDER and it will match logically the order of the questions.
    What I did once was.
    1. Create a SharePoint list (environment variables wont work here I dont think due to size) to store configuration data.
    2. Put a Comma Separated list of Question Text
    3. in your Flow use the Split to turn that into an Array
    4. Get your Response Details
    5. use the Index of the Response Data, to grab the right Column Text or whatever you want
    6. Now save them.
    it's not always easy so :-( thats as best as I can get you.

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