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Adaptive Cards in Outlook - New Designer

Posted on by 188
Hello all,
I'm doing some testing and I'm trying to add an adaptive card to a send an email action in Automate.  The adaptive card is built from the website and it is a very basic card with some text, a date input and a submit button using the execute action.  I'm adding the json of this adaptive card into a compose action, then in the body of the email section, I'm adding the script tag + the output of the compose action.  I can get the card to show up when I'm in the old designer of flow, but I can't get it to show up when I'm using the new designer of flow.  Has anyone figured this out for the new designer?
  • Suggested answer
    DerrickH Profile Picture
    DerrickH 188 on at
    Adaptive Cards in Outlook - New Designer
    I have found that the fix for adding an adaptive card into a "Send to email V2" action in the new designer is as follows:
    - Before the "Send to email" action, create a compose action and add the following:
    <script type="application/adaptivecard+json">
     {content of json - in my case, the json from}
    - Then add the output of the compose action to the body of the Send to email action.

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