Created a new app today and the studio experience seems to have changed some. I no longer see an option in settings to show Modern controls and now don't see the option to "insert" any modern controls either.
Cleared cache, tried different browsers, changed Studio support versions...nothing
Am I missing something here?
@PowerAppsJunkieThank you. It takes me hours to find where I enable the Custom Control.
@MarekKaminski Happy to help. I couldn't find anything documenting the change so grateful for @iAm_ManCat for the solution and glad it's helping others.
Thanks for raising this @PowerAppsJunkie , I was struggling with the exact same thing. I've been looking under "features" 😄
No worries, it caught me too the first time!
Ah, they moved it to the bottom of General! I was searching for "Modern" to try and find it and it seems the search doesn't look at General at all when it returns results.
Thanks for sharing so quickly!
So you don't see this option when you scroll down in the General tab?