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Get Value left of decimal for a Filter in a gallery from another datatable id

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I have the following code Filtering a gallery:  Items property below


RW_REQUESTOR_Racfid = varCurrentUserRacfid && !IsBlank(RW_Status)
), // closed paren on Filter
"RW_Old_Large_Bid_Number", Descending
ForAll(records As _item,
Patch(_item, {max: Max(Filter(records, Int(RW_Old_Large_Bid_Number)=Int(_item.RW_Old_Large_Bid_Number)), RW_Old_Large_Bid_Number)})


Now i need to add an additional  AND to the mix:

If i click on row in Upper Datatable (dtbl_Large_Bid) where "Large_Bid_Id" is 8 then i need the bottom gallery(glsy_ReworkId) to only display rows that startwith 8.4, 8.3, 8.2 etc...

Right Now the Bottom Gallery is retunring all rows.


When I add: this to the filter statement:

and Value(Left(RW_Old_Large_Bid_Number,Find(".",RW_Old_Large_Bid_Number))) = Value(dtbl_MyRequests.Selected.Large_Bid_Id)


RW_REQUESTOR_Racfid = varCurrentUserRacfid && !IsBlank(RW_Status)
and Value(Left(RW_Old_Large_Bid_Number,Find(".",RW_Old_Large_Bid_Number))) = Value(dtbl_MyRequests.Selected.Large_Bid_Id)

), // closed paren on Filter
"RW_Old_Large_Bid_Number", Descending

ForAll(records As _item,
Patch(_item, {max: Max(Filter(records, Int(RW_Old_Large_Bid_Number)=Int(_item.RW_Old_Large_Bid_Number)), RW_Old_Large_Bid_Number)})




  • Drrickryp Profile Picture
    Drrickryp on at
    Re: Get Value left of decimal for a Filter in a gallery from another datatable id


    Check out the Trunc() function. It returns the Integer portion of the number with a decimal.

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