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Import excel or csv data to dataverse table from power pages

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Posted on 27 Aug 2024 06:13:07 by 10
I am trying to import excel data to dataverse table from power pages portal. Currently, there is an option for the logged in users to submit offers one by one, and in some cases it is very time consuming. The idea is to have the users pre-prepare his offers in an excel file, and to give an option to them to import it instead of typing it manually. 
Is this even an option in power pages? Any idea or link to a documentation would be very helpful :)
  • Viktor Kralevski Profile Picture
    Viktor Kralevski 10 on 04 Sep 2024 at 07:56:15
    Import excel or csv data to dataverse table from power pages
    Thanks Fubar, SaiRT14,
    Managed to do this with Fubars approach. 
    Best regards,
  • Suggested answer
    SaiRT14 Profile Picture
    SaiRT14 1,775 on 03 Sep 2024 at 19:37:20
    Import excel or csv data to dataverse table from power pages
    • Custom File Upload and Processing: Set up a custom form on Power Pages for Excel uploads, then use Power Automate or a custom API to parse and insert data into Dataverse, tailored to your needs.

    • Dataverse Excel Import Feature: Direct users to utilize Dataverse's built-in Excel import functionality, allowing them to upload pre-filled templates directly into the Dataverse table.

    • Use Power Apps Component Framework (PCF): Develop a PCF control for the portal, enabling users to drag and drop Excel files, which are then processed and imported into Dataverse for bulk data handling.

  • Suggested answer
    Fubar Profile Picture
    Fubar 7,637 on 03 Sep 2024 at 00:27:57
    Import excel or csv data to dataverse table from power pages
    If you can see the File, but when you try to open if in Flow or something else and the contents are not correct other than when in a Model Driven App interface (e.g. if you can click on it in a Model Driven app and it is ok, but not in Flow etc), you need to encode/decode it as the file probably Base64 encoded 
  • Viktor Kralevski Profile Picture
    Viktor Kralevski 10 on 02 Sep 2024 at 15:03:09
    Import excel or csv data to dataverse table from power pages
    Thanks Fubar, meanwhile I've managed to this, and indeed the file ends up in the Notes table.
    But, I am wandering what is happening with the file because it looks to me that the file is saved in Notes in other type of file - I am importing Excel file, but not able to do anything with it later.
    For example, I have saved it on one drive, but any of the one drive power automate components do not work with it while the list file option finds the file (it exist on the location with expected name)
  • Suggested answer
    Fubar Profile Picture
    Fubar 7,637 on 28 Aug 2024 at 01:41:47
    Import excel or csv data to dataverse table from power pages
    There is not an existing function to do this, but it can be done. However, there are also some things to consider such as validation of the data in the file (and what to do if it fails any validations), what to do if the file being uploaded contains a virus/malware., and what file size and types you will accept,
    The general process would be to create a Form that either has a File field on it or that is enabled for attachments (in which case the file will end up in the Notes table). Then run a process when the form is submitted to retrieve the file and process it - you may be able to use Flow for this. 

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