I'm using latest Power PAges Management App.
When I go to Web Files, I can't see Notes section available. Please check below screenshot.
Is "Notes" section replaced by File Content?
I also tried to Upload a file using this control. However, I'm unable to upload any file there.
When I upload the file, it's refresh the page. There's no error message or no success message. Don't know how to upload file there?
Double check that the file you are uploading's file extension is not on the blocked list in Dataverse https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-platform/admin/system-settings-dialog-box-general-tab#open-the-system-settings-dialog-box
Hi @Dhruvin ,
First you need to save your record then you can upload the file.
Notes section is removed from the Power Pages (Enhanced Data model) and replaced by the file content as hsown below.
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I'm doing the same!
Still unable to attach the file. Not even throwing any error as well. When I looked at console, it has lots of errors!
As per Ajlan's post there is a difference between the Standard model (uses Portal Management App) and Enhanced model (uses Power Pages Management App).
For the Portal Management App, Notes are used. For the Power Pages Management App, a File field is used. In both cases you need to fill in the mandatory fields and save before being able to upload your file.
Hi @Dhruvin
I believe the Notes section is being replaced by the Upload File. Regarding the File upload, you need to first save the record and then you can upload it.
Regarding this "When I upload the file, it's refresh the page. There's no error message or no success message. Don't know how to upload file there?" I was facing the same issue, you need to clear the cache and it will work.
Make sure to fill in the required fields then save, later upload your resource and save again