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Power automate how to make teams group call

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How to make teams groups call. is there any connectors available? if not how to achieve this using graph API. What are the permissions are required to use Graph API and endpoint details for the same?  Can we use Powershell to use Graph API ,  without admin permission is there any other way to use graph API?
  • Suggested answer
    CU27110519-0 Profile Picture
    CU27110519-0 30 on at
    Power automate how to make teams group call
    Could you please provide the Graph API details and steps to achieve one to one call and bot to group call. ?
    Is it possible to make phone call from power automate for the list of users ? if yes how to do it ?
  • Suggested answer
    SaiRT14 Profile Picture
    SaiRT14 1,931 on at
    Power automate how to make teams group call
    pls try the following:
    Graph API is the recommended approach for initiating Teams group calls.
    Required permissions depend on whether you use delegated or application permissions.
    PowerShell can be used with proper tokens to interact with Graph API endpoints.
    Admin consent is required for application permissions, but delegated permissions can work without admin involvement.
    Ensure your app and callback URL are configured correctly to handle call events.
    let me know if you need more details. 

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