Hi, I am just starting out to learn how to build a model driven app powered by Dataverse. I am struggling, which is a good stage to be in, however I am not able to find places that explains these things.
Trouble number 1:
Not able to delete a column because of a dependency/relationship. I have clicked around to see where I can sever this dependence without luck. Solution for now is to make it optional and not using it in any of the views or forms.
Trouble number 2:
So I have made a Manager table where the manager gets a specific client tag in a column.
In a separate table where we create the trainee sessions I want to link the client so that each manager that has that tag gets access to the trainee session material. Let's say we have 13 managers associated with Yellow client, then I want to choose Yellow and not have to choose all those managers one by one. No idea how to do that, the lookup function seems to be finding each dataset right?
If anyone has managed to figure these things out I'd be more than happy to take part in your knowledge.
for 1, you can use this XRMToolbox tool which will help you identify dependency https://github.com/Power-Maverick/DependencyIdentifier
for 2, I guess you can use Dependancy look up approach to filter data..as per this article.. http://crmadminassist.com/microsoft-dynamics-crm-dependent-lookups/
Hello @shavora,
1. For Dependencies you can refer to this Link ( @HSheild have explained it how to overcome): https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/Microsoft-Dataverse/Delete-an-entity-There-are-dependencies-on-this-entity-that-are/m-p/533922#M4840
2. Create a Team and Assign the users to that Team, and set Owner as Team, so that only team members can access it
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