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Power Pages - Power Apps Portals

Need to edit the description on page with child link webpage

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Hi Team,


Im creating a portal and some of my webpages are using the page with child link template however Im unable to edit or remove the description " This is sample landing page for you to start building your website".

  • oliver.rodrigues Profile Picture
    oliver.rodrigues 9,108 on at
    Re: Need to edit the description on page with child link webpage

    Hi @DMDChicmode I replied to your comment on the thread:


    I hadn't seen this thread, please try to keep just one thread so the community can help you better

  • justinburch Profile Picture
    justinburch on at
    Re: Need to edit the description on page with child link webpage

    Just to make sure, did you refresh the cache? ( If not, it can take a little bit of time for it to cascade. Additionally, you can try to Publish from the Portal Admin page.

    Assuming you did all that, can you verify the following?

    1. Web Page has Page Template 'Full Page'
    2. Page Template has Web Template 'Full Page'
    3. Web Template Full Page has the below code, mostly focused on 'Child Navigation' being there & showdescriptions having 'true'


    ​{% extends 'Layout 1 Column' %}
    {% block main %}
     {% include 'Page Copy' %}
     {% include 'Child Navigation' showdescriptions: true %}
     {% if page.adx_entitylist %}
     {% include 'entity_list' key: %}
     {% endif %}
     {% if page.adx_entityform %}
     {% entityform id: %}
     {% endif %}
     {% if page.adx_webform %}
     {% webform id: %}
     {% endif %}
    {% endblock %}


    • Web Template 'Child Navigation' Exists with the below code


    {% assign showchildren = showchildren | default: true %}
    {% assign showdescriptions = showdescriptions | default: false %}
    {% if showchildren and page.children.size > 0 %}
     <div class="child-navigation content-panel panel panel-default">
     <div class="panel-heading">
     <h4>{% editable snippets "Page Children Heading" default: 'In This Section' %}</h4>
     {% if showdescriptions %}
     <ul class="list-group">
     {% for node in page.children %}
     <li class="list-group-item">
     <h4 class="list-group-item-heading">
     <a href="{{ node.url | escape }}">{{ node.title | escape }}</a>
     <div class="list-group-item-text">
     {% case node.entity.logical_name %}
     {% when 'adx_blog' or 'adx_event' or 'adx_webfile' or 'adx_webpage' %}
     {{ node.entity.adx_summary}}
     {% else %}
     {{ node.entity.adx_description}}
     {% endcase %}
     {% endfor %}
     {% else %}
     <div class="list-group">
     {% for node in page.children %}
     <a href="{{ node.url | escape }}" class="list-group-item">{{ node.title | escape }}</a>
     {% endfor %}
     {% endif %}
    {% endif %}​


    If any of this is different, can you share the differences? This code says that the Full Page template should be including the 'Child Navigation' template. The Child Navigation template says that if any template using it says 'showdescriptions: true', then it should create a list of child elements for the current page and, if it's a blog, marketing event, webfile or webpage, then it should use the summary field - otherwise, it should use the description field.

  • Doher Drizzle Profile Picture
    Doher Drizzle 12 on at
    Re: Need to edit the description on page with child link webpage

    i did the edit on, web page, localized content > summary , i removed the details and save and close. but when i checked the website but still i can see "This is sample landing page for you to start building your website"


    did i miss a step?

  • justinburch Profile Picture
    justinburch on at
    Re: Need to edit the description on page with child link webpage

    Hi @DMDChicmode,

    This is the Summary field, if your Web Template is the same as mine. Different Portals can be setup with different templates. You can't edit it in the Portal Studio (where you're taking your screenshot from) as far as I can tell - this is newer functionality that is still a work in progress.

    Your options are below:

    • Login to the Portal as an Administrator (can usually use the default Azure AD login, but hopefully you have at least one method to do this)
      1. Navigate to the Page you need to edit (first example would be Marketing Entry)
      2. Open the admin panel's Edit dialog
      3. Go to the Language Content tab and scroll to the bottom
      4. Edit the Summary to say what you want
    • In your Apps section of , go to Portal Management (if available)
      1. Navigate to Web Pages on the left under Content
      2. Open the page you need to edit (e.g. Market Entries - if there are duplicates, base it on the Parent Page field in the same row)
      3. Click on the Localized Content page for the language you need to change, located halfway down the General tab
      4. Scroll down the General tab until you find the "Summary (HTML)" box to edit
  • Doher Drizzle Profile Picture
    Doher Drizzle 12 on at
    Re: Need to edit the description on page with child link webpage

    pls see screenshot

  • justinburch Profile Picture
    justinburch on at
    Re: Need to edit the description on page with child link webpage

    Hi @DMDChicmode,

    Can you share a screenshot? I don't see the text in any of my sample pages, unless you mean the top footer.




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