Hello everyone,
maybe somebody already came across such a problem.
Every night the customer wants to update the database which is effecting the items on my page.
Unfortunately I have to transform the data before publishing those with PowerAutomate. The flow takes around 20-30 Minutes.
In that time no client shall be able to place an order as not all items are yet loaded.
I would create a javascript Date object and transform it as needed and block the user from submitting an order.
Problem is that I would need to use UTC and apply a rule when we got daylight time and when not to properly block the users.
Does liquid use the local page data where it is set up, so I could just fetch that?
Anybody who encountered a similar problem and has a tip?
If you don't want to take down the whole site, one possibility, but not sure if it will work.
Alternatively, create a custom Web Template behind the Pages that you want to not be available, and in the Template with Liquid check the Web Pages Publish state if published show the Form else show a message to come back later. Use Flow to change the Publish state.
Other than taking down the whole site (which will happen almost straight away), they all will have the portal Cache to contend with so you will have to leave enough time at either end for it to read the updates and not the cached values.
Hi @Lucas001
The standard and best practice is to enable maintenance mode while doing the update to the database.
Tip: You can create a custom page with a specific message about the migration so the customers can get your message.
Also, from my experience, using the Power Platform pipelines will also be helpful when you are upgrading your database.
Hope it helps.
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