I'm relatively new to Power Apps and I'm having some frustration with combo boxes on an EditForm control. The form has two combo boxes (amongst other form input controls). When I submit the form with an item selected in the combo box, the record updates correctly in the data source (Sharepoint List). When I return to the EditForm with same item selected, the combo box also populates correctly with the value just set. However, when I submit the form again in Edit Mode, the value is removed from the column in the data source despite the combo box appearing to hold the value.
I'm puzzled by why the data source column updates with no issue on first submit, but when submitting again (for the purpose of editing the record), the DefaultSelectedItems does not submit properly to the data source. The DefaultSelectedItems propery is set to lookup the record in the data source conditional on it equaling ThisItem:
[LookUp(Work_Orders,'PO Number'=ThisItem.'PO Number')]
I feel like I'm probably making a really simple mistake here but can't figure it out. Any ideas?
Thanks very much.