I have a SP list named "Order Parts Lookup" that I'm using as the datasource for both dropdowns. Dropdown1 (Group) is working correctly using the following formula:
Dropdown1 = Group (getting category column from datasource)
SortByColumns(Distinct(Filter('Order Parts Lookup', Title = "CXM").Category,Category), "Result")
Dropdown2 = Item Master
Item Master is causing an error. I want to populate item master with values from the "PS Item ID" column in the datasource. If for example I choose 'Router' for a Group selected value then I need to bring back all "PS item ID"s into the Item master field where 'Router' is the category for that lookup record. Below is the formula I'm trying to use and the corresponding error:
Filter('Order Parts Lookup', Category=Group.Selected.Value) <<< formula
Name isn't valid. 'Value' isn't recognized. <<< Error
or better yet, if I use:
'Order Parts Lookup.'PS Item ID' I get all the values back no problem. How would I filter that to bring back only records with Category = Group selected value.
Well...unfortunately, even that is not a guarantee. I've been burned before by abilities that were designed into the platform that worked and were solid, and then were removed with NO warning or depreciation notice! So, given that, if I see deprecated, I am doubly alert!
@RandyHayes, I ma so glad you mentioned that because from now on before using controls' properties, I will make sure they are here to stay, at least in the time I am using them.
It is misleading!! It is not clear why they would say the primary property (SelectedText) is deprecated and yet a column of that record would not be. So, my assumption on that is that the primary property is deprecated.
In general it should be avoided anyway because of they are typing to type-cast various types into a single value type - which is always subject to error (and my personal thought as to why it would be deprecated). To be less subject to error, the Selected property with the correct column should be specified.
In this particular case, the Items property of the dropdown ONLY had a Result column (from the Distinct function). So, technically the SelectedText would be just that...the only possible selected text.
BUT, what if the case was different. What if the dropdown had and Items property with user information in it. AND, someone says "it should show the email of the person". And then you write your formulas with the SelectedText (assuming it is going to be the Email shown, which it would) and that your formula is based on perhaps filtering by the email (ie. Filter(someList, emailColumn = dropdown.SelectedText.Value) )
NOW, someone says, "I don't like the email listed, can we display the Full Name instead?", and so you change the value displayed in the dropdown to "DisplayName". Well...now the filter function will not return the correct results as SelectedText.Value is now something different.
However, Filter(someList, emailColumn = dropdown.Selected.Email) will work regardless of what the displayed column value is!
@RandyHayes, Just for confirmation, in this documentation it say we can "use Dropdown1.SelectedText.Value instead" So, would that work always or they will remove the whole thing all together?
Hi @ShawnPelletier ,
Assuming Group is the name of your Combo Box
'Order Parts Lookup',
Category = Group.Selected.Result
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Just keep in mind that SelectedText is a deprecated property!! It might one day simply no longer work once they remove the property completely.
I would advise using the proper column name based on the records in your Items property of the control.
Since you are using Distinct in your Items property, that means the only column available would be Result...and thus your formula should be:
Filter('Order Parts Lookup', Category=Group.Selected.Result)
I hope this is helpful for you.
Thank you! Worked beautifully!
Have you tried SelectedText instead of Selected?
Filter('Order Parts Lookup', Category=Group.SelectedText.Value)