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Show, create, reply and send emails in power apps portals

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Hi all, 

I have a requirement that I have to provide access to emails from CDS in a portal. 

- The case associated emails should be visible for current user with all of its components (from, to, cc, text, etc.)

- The user should be able to create, reply and send emails in the portal (Like in Dynamics 365) 


I have checked the timeline and notes Metadata they don't allow to create/edit data, so they don't  meet the requirements. 

I also tried it with a subgrid. I am able to show the associated emails as a list but if I open the entity form, the values of the fields from, to, cc, etc. won't be shown because they are not a part of email entity but the activity party entity and not supported: Screenshot 2020-09-24 121110.png


On the other hand, I would be able to create an email entity record in this way but there is no solution to send or reply an email, so I have to trigger a flow or sth. in Dynamics after saving the records, which is not really optimal.


Does someone have any recommendation to meet these requirements or a similar case?


Thanks in advance


  • justinburch Profile Picture
    justinburch on at
    Re: Show, create, reply and send emails in power apps portals

    Hi @selimdag,

    You would need a custom process approach (Power Automate, Plugin, Workflow, etc). There is not a Send Email functionality built directly into the Portal. You could use a custom entity where they enter email addresses in the to/cc/bcc fields and a Power automate picks it up, finds the associated party and sends the email.

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