I have a Dev and Prod environment. I have build a power pages site in the Dev environment and using preconfigured pipeline to deploy it to the Prod environment. I have "added required objects" and "publish all customizations" before deploying the solution with the site. The deployment works fine and I can reactivate the site in the Prod environment according to the documentation.
But when I try to preview the page in Production I cannot reach any of the custom pages I created in Dev, only getting "Page not found" when clicking the menu buttons. Also the page logo picture, title and the footer data is not shown. The menu is working and whatever is on the "home" page is shown in Prod, but nothing else.
How to fix this issue? Is there some step in the deployment or setup process I am missing?
Go to power platform admin center and into your production environment. under Settings > Product > Languages, make sure the same language (language code) is applied there as the power pages site is built with in the development environment. The language code can be found in the power pages management (Websites -> Default language column). This solved the issue in my case!
Hi @Jonas88 ,
we're facing the same issue could you please tell me all the steps like how we can fix this issue?
how do you change language and all steps.
Issue was found and solved. The dev and prod environment had different language packs installed. When deploying with pipeline it was not verified whether the language used in dev environment was available in target environment. The site setting was forced to language that was not provisioned in the environment, making the power pages site not function properly in the target environment.