Can I access the task assigned for a user in MS Flow?
I looked at the url that gets the user's tasks on the MS Flow site which given below:
However I cannot figure out a way to get the access token to access this Url in a REST call.
Could you please assist as to what should I do to access this URL?
Hi @nkverma,
I see that you are trying tu find some way to reach Approval API. But there is no such accessible right now. So as in your previous thread here - https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/Connecting-To-Data/Start-an-approval-Remove-task-assigned-to-a-user-for-an/m-p/135023#M3158 you can vote here for already created idea - https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/Flow-Ideas/Use-Graph-API-to-list-and-take-action-on-approvals/idi-p/62143