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Preview function suddenly stops working (portal provisioning takes forever)

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Hello everbody,


I'm new to Power Pages and trying to learn it now. I have been building a site on Power Pages for a while. Before yesterday, I was able to always preview my site but yesterday, all of a sudden, when I clicked "preview", it only showed the message "Getting set up... This might take a while". Today, it stills only show this message when I click "preview" and this happens on every site on my environment. Could anybody please tell me what's the cause of this problem and how can I solve it? Thanks so much in advance.

  • Verified answer
    Re: Preview function suddenly stops working (portal provisioning takes forever)

    I just found the cause of my problem. The URL of my site that is shown on Power Pages and the URL of my site that is shown on Power Pages Management App as "primary domain name" are not the same. I think at some point I changed the URL on Power Pages Management App and it was not synchronised with the URL that is shown on Power Pages and Admin Center. I changed the primary domain name on Power Pages Management App back to the old URL and now I can preview my site.

  • Re: Preview function suddenly stops working (portal provisioning takes forever)

    When I create a new site now, then the preview fuction works. Unfortunately it still doesn't work on my old site.

  • LucyCC Profile Picture
    LucyCC 95 on at
    Re: Preview function suddenly stops working (portal provisioning takes forever)

    No email from Microsoft but last night site started working. Frustrating as no idea what caused problem so no way to fix if it re-occurs.

  • LucyCC Profile Picture
    LucyCC 95 on at
    Re: Preview function suddenly stops working (portal provisioning takes forever)

    Had support call, no solution offered, told to await follow up email. Portal still in ‘getting set up’ state. Microsoft agent muttered something about website bindings but he couldn’t find anywhere to address them. Will update with what I’m told via email.

  • Re: Preview function suddenly stops working (portal provisioning takes forever)

    Mine is also still not working unfortunately

  • LucyCC Profile Picture
    LucyCC 95 on at
    Re: Preview function suddenly stops working (portal provisioning takes forever)

    Mine still not working, have support call booked tomorrow.

  • victorlee1 Profile Picture
    victorlee1 45 on at
    Re: Preview function suddenly stops working (portal provisioning takes forever)

    Hi all.


    I had a call with MS support and they have said there's nothing on their end (as a known issue), but they would investigate.


    After seeing @Lucas001 message, I tried again and guess what? It is working!


    go figure...

  • Lucas001 Profile Picture
    Lucas001 2,089 on at
    Re: Preview function suddenly stops working (portal provisioning takes forever)

    Hi guys,


    there have been some issues with power pages yesterday as far as I know.

    The issue has been resolved today in the morning for me, so I guess the support is fixing things in the backend.

    Is anyone of you having a public page which runs smoothly even you cannot access the preview or are all in development and the preview function the way to see your changes?

  • victorlee1 Profile Picture
    victorlee1 45 on at
    Re: Preview function suddenly stops working (portal provisioning takes forever)

    Hi there. I am also having this issue. It's a new website and I can't preview any pages, even a blank one. Same message and spinner. It's been more than 12h waiting.


    I have restarted the website, no luck.

  • Re: Preview function suddenly stops working (portal provisioning takes forever)

    Please update if you receive any answer or can fix the problem

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