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Power Apps - Building Power Apps

Lookups in canvas app have stopped working

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Posted on by 52

I have a dataverse table with a lookup to another table, I am using the gallery and a form in canvas app to load the table data. Look ups were working fine 2 days ago and yesterday they have stopped returning the values in gallery and edit form.


Note: Tables have just 5,6 items/records in it.

Steps to replicate:

  1. Create a blank canvas app.
  2. Add a gallery to a screen.
  3. Add a data source to a gallery (table with lookup's).
  4. Click Edit under Fields property.
  5. Unable to find the lookup field for selection.
  6. Select a label in a gallery, manually type ThisItem.<lookupFieldName>.<columnName>
  7. Returns blank.

Since, I have tested it with a blank canvas app and it suddenly stopped working (no change in data structure) then it seems like a platform issue rather than a application specific issue. Can someone please point me in the right direction or share if you have faced a similar issue.


  • Sheikx800 Profile Picture
    Sheikx800 113 on at
    Re: Lookups in canvas app have stopped working

    Thought I would drop a quick note on this one from my own adventures...


    Just wasted about 3 hours going around in circles trying to figure out what was going on with this. Some of my lookup dropdowns in my Edit Forms all of a sudden were holding static useless options called Item 1, Item 2, Item 3, etc... It was supposed to be displaying records from the lookup table and always had with no issue. 


    I deleted the Form and re-created

    Refreshed and deleted/re-added the data sources

    Exporting and importing the app again

    Numerous other basic troubleshooting avenues


    For whatever reason, for me at least, the Form generator decided that the DisplayField and SearchField for those data cards was going to be ["Item 1"]. I couldn't even see the rest of the mystery array in the text box but the options were somehow there all the way up to 15.


    I deleted this nonsense and it auto-corrected to the more correct schema name for the lookup table's records. Very strange glitch. Hope this saves someone some time. 

  • Re: Lookups in canvas app have stopped working

    Hi @MBDA :

    Glad to hear that the problem has been solved.

    Best Regards,


  • Verified answer
    MBDA Profile Picture
    MBDA 52 on at
    Re: Lookups in canvas app have stopped working

    Thanks for giving it a try, It got fixed by itself.

    In the mean time I tried all possible things to make it work for e.g. deleting the data source and adding it again, changing authoring version, e.t.c. but at the end it just started working.

  • Re: Lookups in canvas app have stopped working

    Hi @MBDA :

    I've made a test and did not encountered the problem you mentioned:

    1.JPG2.JPGI suggest you can try to delete the data source and re-add the connection.

    If the problem cannot be solved, I advice you to create a support ticket.

    Best Regards,


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