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Adjust the Email Confirmation Site - PowerPages

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Hello everyone,


does somebody know, how to add some code to the email confirmation page?

I need to hide the picture due to design reasons and usually use Jquery for that part.



Would be easy if the page would be listed in the Portal Management, but unfortunately I cannot find it.

I tried overwriting it by using the PageCopy approach, creating a content snippet. But it does not seem to work.


Anybody an idea for that problem?



  • Lucas001 Profile Picture
    Lucas001 2,089 on at
    Re: Adjust the Email Confirmation Site - PowerPages

    Hi @Fubar,


    thanks a lot it works for me as well.

    The only thing I want to mention, I had to set the language settings on the content snippet.

    Otherwise it was not working.


    Could you explain why it is Account/ConfirmEmailRequest/PageCopy and not Account/Manage/ConfirmEmailRequest/PageCopy ? Is there a way to know how to build the PageCopy Content Snippet?

  • Verified answer
    Fubar Profile Picture
    Fubar 7,677 on at
    Re: Adjust the Email Confirmation Site - PowerPages

    The following works for me, note the different Content Snippet name I am using


    Content Snippet: Account/ConfirmEmailRequest/PageCopy

    set to HTML

    $( document ).ready(function() { 
     function test(){
     alert("Confirm Email test")




  • Lucas001 Profile Picture
    Lucas001 2,089 on at
    Re: Adjust the Email Confirmation Site - PowerPages

    Hi @Fubar,


    I changed the code snippet to html but it is not working at all.

    The problem whcih I have is that from my understanding the Confirmation Site is not linked to the Profile site which I can adjust to my belongings quite easily.


    Do you have any other idea?

  • Fubar Profile Picture
    Fubar 7,677 on at
    Re: Adjust the Email Confirmation Site - PowerPages

    If doing it in a Content Snippet  you would probably need to change its type from text to html - but you should find that you have a Web Page called "Profile" (use the Portal Management app if not in the newer interface)., on this Web Page's localized page you can add JavaScript under the Advanced tab.

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