here is a patch code on button onselect:
'Reservation History',
Defaults('Reservation History'),{
'Change Type': DataCardValue79_1,
'Please provide justification':DataCardValue81_1.Value,
'New License Count':Value(DataCardValue52_1.Text),
'New License Count (Year 2)':Value(DataCardValue53_1.Text),
'New License Count (Year 3)':Value(DataCardValue54_1.Text),
'New License Count (Year 4)':Value(DataCardValue55_1.Text),
'New License Count (Year 5)':Value(DataCardValue56_1.Text),
'Old License Count': Value(DataCardValue65_1.Text),
'Old License Count (Year 2)':Value(DataCardValue66_1.Text),
'Old License Count (Year 3)':Value(DataCardValue67_1.Text),
'Old License Count (Year 4)':Value(DataCardValue68_1.Text),
'Old License Count (Year 5)':Value(DataCardValue69_1.Text),
'Budget Approver':Gallery2.Selected.'Budget Approver',
'Requester':Gallery2.Selected.'Requester Name',
Showing error while clicking the button : Error- "The owner is not provided"
so i added this in the code for owner cloumn:
'Owner':LookUp(Users,'User Name' = User().FullName).
still having the same issue