Hi, I want to build a flow which should run every weekday at 09:00AM. Requirement of flow is like-
I have excel file in sharepoint and it has 2 tables. 1st table name is "Tasks" and 2nd table is "Name" like below-
Tasks table:

Name table:

Flow first read excel file and pick all the records of previous date from "Tasks" table, if today is 12th Jan 2025 so i want all records of 11th Jan 2025 and so on. and i have thousands of records in my excel file and it will keep increasing day by day.
Then flow will check "Name" table and if any 'User ID' is missing in "User Name" column of Tasks table then those 'User ID' and "Employee" records should be picked up and send an email in tabular form that these users records are missing in Tasks table.
I am a beginner in power automate so i need help to build flow for this task.
Thanks in advance