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Show modal on bottom

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Hello, I would like to show the modal, but at the bottom, is there a way to send it to the bottom of the list?




One way I've done is remove the position fixed, but I can't see it at all

remove fixed.png


Thanks you for the help.

  • Verified answer
    Feder Profile Picture
    Feder 42 on at
    Re: Show modal on bottom

    Hello everybody.

    I've solved this with a small tweak to the css.


    .modal-open {
     overflow: auto;
    .modal {
     position: relative;
    } {
     opacity: 0;



  • Feder Profile Picture
    Feder 42 on at
    Re: Show modal on bottom

    Hi @OliverRodrigues  no problem! 😀


    It's just what I'm trying, with this:



    $(".entitylist.entity-grid").on("loaded", function () {
     $(this).children(".view-grid").find("td[data-attribute='v_name']").each(function () {
     var value = $(this).parent().attr("data-id");
     //$(this).wrapInner("<a href=\"/page-test/?id="+value+"\"</a>");
     $(this).wrapInner("<a onclick='showItems(`" + value + "`);'></a>");



    The line I have commented out would pass the GUID of the record and reload the page. I don't want that, the idea is that I make that call to a function, in my case showItems(value) and I pass the GUID


    And my question is: inside that function can I call Liquid code? and that liquid code has:




    {% assign categories = entities['category'] %}
    {% fetchxml options %}
    <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false">
     <entity name="v_post" />
     <attribute name="v_postid" />
     <attribute name="v_name" />
     <order attribute="v_name" descending="false" />
     <filter type="and">
     <condition attribute="v_categoryid" operator="eq" value="{{}}">
    {% endfetchxml %}
    {% assign resultset = options.results.entities %}
    {% for option in resultset %}
    {{ }} 
    {% endfor %} -->




    Where to put all this liquid code? It can be a div created from the function.


    Thank you for your reply.


  • oliver.rodrigues Profile Picture
    oliver.rodrigues 9,069 on at
    Re: Show modal on bottom

    apologies @alandres2628 that's what happens when I don't read the question properly 🤣🤣🤣


    not sure you can achieve that by using JS/CSS, what you are looking for is probably a bit more custom, so you would need to retrieve the data via API and show at the bottom of the list 

  • Feder Profile Picture
    Feder 42 on at
    Re: Show modal on bottom

    Hello @OliverRodrigues thank you for your help. 
    I'm confused, what do I need the button for? Actually it is the record that launches/shows the popup with the form.


  • oliver.rodrigues Profile Picture
    oliver.rodrigues 9,069 on at
    Re: Show modal on bottom

    I have a code here that I used some time ago, give it a go to see if it still works, you just need to define the logic for your button with a JS to close the modal and then append to the form

    var button = "<button></button>"; // add your button definition here
    $("#EntityFormPanel .tab-column").append(button);


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