Re: Merge 2 array bodies into single array using append to array variable in power automate
@Sivaperumal31 You can use the union expression to combine any number of arrays. Below is an example of how it works.
//Will combine all arrays into a single array and remove any duplicate values
union(array1, array2, array3, array...)
See example below where I have three Selects similar to yours where we then use a union expression to combine them and remove any duplicate values.

My three Selects have the following output. Note that "MY" Is listed twice so one of them will be removed when we apply the union expression.

Compose uses the following expression to combine (union) the Selects and remove duplicate values.
union(body('Select_1'), body('Select_2'), body('Select_3'))

This would give the output below.

Apply to each uses the output from Compose so it iterates over each of the items in the array.

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