Hello, I am trying to create a table in dataverse to later use in Powerapps, that will hold the value "install time" for products in the CRM. When a work order is created, there are a list of items used for it and I'd like to have a sum of all the "install time".
Does anyone know how to go about this?
Just wanted to update and say I could never figure this out, seems I'm missing something or just don't know enough to do it.
Just wanted to update and say I could never figure this out, seems I'm missing something or just don't know enough to do it.
Yeah you can do this in Dataverse. You are just adding columns so shouldn't cause any issues to existing work.
And I do this in the dataverse? Not the CRM? Will that cause problems anywhere else?
I guess Header was just an example. So long as you have a Dataverse relationship (One to Many) from one table to another you can still use the Rollup.
So in your example you could create a one-to-many relationship between Orders and Products and put the Rollup column (on Install Times) in the Order table.
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Darren Lutchner - 365 Assist
Hi 365-Assist,
I'm a little confused, I don't want a sum of number of items, I want to pull field "install time" from each product attached to a work order and then have a sum of that. Items have their own install times already in the CRM, I just want a sum of those times on the work order sheets is all. Not the order header.
So if I have "Work Order 123" and it has
Sprinkler 60
Camera 0.30
Cupcakes 0.16
I just want a field then on the work orders that gives me total time of those things that were used in the work order. In this case 60.46 would be the total time it takes to do all those things. I'm a noob so maybe I don't follow you exactly .
You could create a Table that relates to the table with individual Install Times (i.e. Header to Lines). In the header table add a number column with Rollup Behaviour.
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Darren Lutchner - 365 Assist