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Lookup field configuration in Power pages

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I am using a form from a Dataverse table in one of the pages in my site.


The form has a lookup field (a lookup view is used for this field), and I am able to select the value. I can see the primary column value of the selected record in the input box, but I need to show another column value.


Is this possible?

  • Suggested answer
    aofosu Profile Picture
    aofosu 101 on at
    Lookup field configuration in Power pages
    By default, the lookup field will access the default Lookup View of the table you are looking up. This default Lookup View does not allow you to remove the primary column.
    To work around this, you can:
    1. Create a public view (e.g., Custom Lookup View) that includes the column you wish to show in the lookup on Power Pages.
    2. In the form configuration, select the Custom Lookup View you created as the view to display for the lookup field.
    3. On Power Pages, if you don't set metadata on the lookup to render it as a dropdown, the Custom Lookup View will be displayed otherwise it will show blank options.
      1. If you just want to show another column beside the primary column in the modal lookup you can simply add the column to the default Lookup View and rearrange the columns as preferred.
    This approach allows you to customize the columns shown in the lookup field as needed.

    Modal Lookup

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