I have selected default design template for Power pages website, now i want to change it to After school program registration, please anyone guide?
Hii @Vijayraj you can go through this linkHow to Merge WordPress Sites and Avoid Creating a Mess in the Process (wpmudev.com)
Hi @saveri ,
How we can use WordPress template in Microsoft power pages?
Please check the below article on how to change themes on power pages:
Hii @Vijayraj
yes we can change s through Wordpress Change Your Theme – WordPress.com Support
Can we change theme or call other website theme through update in website binding option?
You can create a new template in portal management and use the template in power page when you create a new site. the following link will be useful.
Hi @Vijayraj
You have to create a new one as you can't just change the design template that way , because when the template is installed it installs other tables and related website and pages records to serve your template, so I am suggesting to create a new site.