I am creating a report that updates an excel table to be emailed daily from data in a SQL table. The report needs to be able to determine which records were added after the previous report and only show those on the new report. That works well by just deleting the old records and adding the new ones. I have a separate table that could be used to hold the last record ID from the previuous report. With that I was hoping to pull only the record ID's greater than the previous day.
The problem is to get that ID number into a variable that I can use to filter data with.
The second part of the problem is to update the table with the "new" last record.
The other option I tried was to just filter by time, since the report will go out at the same but that doesn't appear to work in Flow.
I used Compose to pull the value from the array with this formula...
Then used the output in the formula
ID gt Output
It retrieved the correct number, but when I used the value in the SQL Get Rows filter it did not return all the data that it should. It only filled in a few rows when it should have about 10. I had to put a short delay in before the email sent out to allow all the records to actually get into the Excel file.
My data is all in SQL and the flow will copy new data to an excel table to be sent out on a schedule. I'll start with the first step I'm having trouble with.
I need to be able to get the ID of the last inspection report from the LastReportKey table.
IndexKey | InspReportLastID |
1 | 568344 |
This value will need to be used in the filter to get new inspection data rows. How do I get that number into a variable to use in the query of the inspection data table? The filter would be something like this...
Filter: ID gt Max(InspReportLastID)
Hi @TerryR ,
I am afraid I can hardly figure out your specific needs only from your description.
Would you please illustrate your needs with screenshots?
Please provide more explanation about your needs.
Best Regards,