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Power Apps - Microsoft Dataverse

Flow Update -resource-not-found-for-the-segment- CDS source

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Hi everyone,



I am trying to schedule a flow that would update a Customed Look up - field with dates once a week.


Unfortunately I am getting this error message and I am not sure what the issue is with my syntax:





I have attached screenshots of my flow:


Screenshot_2020-08-11 Edit your flow Power Automate.pngScreenshot_2020-08-11 Edit your flow Power Automate(1).png


Thanks in advance for your help



  • EricRegnier Profile Picture
    EricRegnier 8,705 on at
    Re: Flow Update -resource-not-found-for-the-segment- CDS source

    What datatype is that field exactly? If you need to update the record then it is the "Update a record" action. Make sure you use the Common Data Service (current connector) but to use that connection you need to create your flow from a solution.

    Also you can try setting date(<value>).


  • Nelltc83 Profile Picture
    Nelltc83 4 on at
    Re: Flow Update -resource-not-found-for-the-segment- CDS source

    Thanks for your response @EricRegnier . In both area "List Record" & "Update Record" I get this error msg:   'Entity Name' is required

    I am assuming I need to reference the Entity where the field gets updated...or Should I use a different action?




  • EricRegnier Profile Picture
    EricRegnier 8,705 on at
    Re: Flow Update -resource-not-found-for-the-segment- CDS source

    Hi @Nelltc83,

    If you're trying to update a DateTime field then you don't need to set the <entity name>(<data>). That is only for lookup fields. Try setting the date directly. Hope this helps..

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