I have the URL to get the Excel file content I used GET FILE CONTENT USING PATH action when I run the flow I am getting Object file ( CONTENT TYPE and CONTENT ). But I need to search the keyword in the file.
I tried parsing the output from get file content using path but getting error that the output was in Object format.
For understanding I am sharing the screenshot of input and output.
Compose 3 contains the URL where we can get file.
In the output we are getting Object file. As per the screenshot I want to know what the next action is better to get the data from the file I can able to search the keyword.
Thanks in advance.
If you dont have an Excel table in your Excel file, you can read the data using Encodian's Get Rows from Excel action. Works without tables.
Hi @bala11,
Well, only a formatted table could be read in SP document library.
Not sure how you configure the excel table.
Thanks for reply
For using List Rows Present In a Table I didn't have table name and it is from share point-documents folder, That's the reason why I used Get File Content Using Path with that atleast I can get the file.
I have URL with me, so any action instead of Get File Content Using Path suggestions is fine .
Can I know any other approach the that my issue will be resolved.
Hi @bala11,
I want to explain to you, that GET FILE CONTENT USING PATH is not for retrieving the data within the excel table, but getting an Excel file with an internal structure that is not readable by us, getting its result in base64.
If we use this action to get a text file or csv, we won’t get it as a base64 file, but we’ll get its contents.
If you want to read the file data, you need to use the List rows present in a table, which will get you rows of an excel table.