We are having a problem with upgrading a managed solution (from our unmanged sandbox solution) and get a strange error message that might point to some crm stuff that I don't really understand.
An update works fine but wont delete obsolete components so we would like to move to the upgrade functionality.
See error:
Solution "Data" failed to import: ImportAsHolding failed with exception :Import failed: The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "entitykeyattribute_attribute". The conflict occurred in database "db_crmcoreemea_20230227_09340928_318c", table "MetadataSchema.EntityKeyAttribute", column 'AttributeId'. The statement has been terminated.
What I can tell is the deployment fails on some database specific error (not dataverse error but SQL Server error) but I'm not sure what to check for here. I don't have direct access to the database mentioned in the error message.
What is the issue and how do I resolve it?
UPDATE 2024-0913:
I've deleted 3 connection references that was not in use. After deleting number two I now recieve below error. Deleting number 3 didnt change the error.
Solution "Data" failed to import: ImportAsHolding failed with exception :Unexpected exception.
I've attached the whole Log file: Data_import (3).xml.