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Power Pages developer accounts

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Hello everyone,


Where I work, we are developing Power Automate flows using a single shared account to create the flow and make all the connections. We do that if the developer leaves so the flow doesn't break when their account is disabled. We are now venturing into Power Pages, and I wanted to know if that practice is still necessary for the Power Pages aspect.  We do have separate dev, test, and prod environments that we can all use. I think the Pages will run independently who created them in the Test or Prod environments. Any thoughts on this?




  • Ray_Garza Profile Picture
    Ray_Garza 143 on at
    Re: Power Pages developer accounts

    Our flows do run under a service account, so any Power Pages that incorporate a flow will be using one of those. Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it.

  • Verified answer
    Fubar Profile Picture
    Fubar 7,677 on at
    Re: Power Pages developer accounts

    I don't think you will find any relevant doco specific to it, as it is basically standard Dynamics 365/Dataverse behvior. In the Standard implementation all of the Web Pages, Lists, Basic Forms, Multi step forms etc definitions are standard Dataverse records and so are visible and editable by anyone with appropriate Security Role permissions. As such you will see that the Owner of those records could be different system users, and if they leave the record is still visible and editable but could if desired be re-assigned by anyone with appropriate Security Role Privileges (and off the user record you could do a bulk reassign).

    There is none of the Connection owner visibility issues etc as everything runs as the SYSTEM account and you don't access it.

    Where you can get minor issues is if you are creating Dataverse Workflows (or register a plugin step to run as a specific user) and the owner of the Workflow has their licence pulled etc and it is running as the owner the workflow will then fail as the owner is not licenced - the way around this is to either run them as the user invoking them or create a non-interactive account (basically a service account that after being setup does not need to consume a licence) and assign it as the owner of the workflows - this again is standard Dynamics 365/Dataverse and not specific to Power Pages.

  • Ray_Garza Profile Picture
    Ray_Garza 143 on at
    Re: Power Pages developer accounts

    @Fubar Thanks for the response. That's what I suspected, too. Anyone accessing the Dev environment can update the Power Page and deploy it to Test or Prod. Do you know of any docs that point to this? If not, then I have our IT add my account to the environment and demonstrate it that way.

  • Fubar Profile Picture
    Fubar 7,677 on at
    Re: Power Pages developer accounts

    Will not be an issue with PowerPages.

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