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Unanswered customize Recommended/Custom/All tables?

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Posted on 23 Mar 2023 15:03:49 by 635


Please be so kind as to read my whole question before responding.
Thank you for your consideration.

Recently, I've had to work with lead and related tables for some JavaScript/TypeScript webresources.
I needed to check up some column definitions and logical names without actually customizing any of those tables or columns.
Searching for almost any table I needed in the Tables register in always requires/required this annoying extra click to "All" since what I seem to be looking for never seems to be "Recommended" 😅, but random other, to me often useless, tables seem to be.


Hence my question:

  1. Is it possible at all to modify which tables are listed under recommended? (I'm assuming no)
  2. How does a random BPF entity end up in "Recommended"? (I'm assuming nobody knows)
  3. Would it be possible to put "All" first or automatically switch to "All" instead of going through "Recommended"? (I'm assuming no)

I am aware that I could be putting the tables that I need in a solution but that also requires extra clicks for setup and navigating the solution, and it seems a bit tedious to me since I'm not planning any customization on said tables.
Yes, I know that I could be deleting the solution afterwards easily.

Thanks and best of regards,

  • tuhler Profile Picture
    tuhler 4 on 03 Oct 2024 at 19:32:09 customize Recommended/Custom/All tables?
    I came here because I would love to either be able to customize the Recommended tab or remove it entirely. Who decided what is recommended? I always have to go to all tab and search for the table I need to work with. It is extra steps multiple times a day that are completely unnecessary. 
  • pelowski Profile Picture
    pelowski 3 on 10 Sep 2024 at 21:13:04 customize Recommended/Custom/All tables?
    I echo your sentiments here.  I'm a new admin to our Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise instance and despite working regularly with certain entities, they never appear in "Recommended".  Yet, things like "Letter", "Fax", "Currency" and other entities that I've never clicked and rarely expect to configure, keep appearing.  Either give us the ability to turn on "All" by default, remove the filters, or let us configure what appears in "Recommended".  This doesn't reflect too well upon Microsoft when AI is being hyped all over the place and yet the default UI is anything but intelligent.  Extra clicks add up, especially when accessing the same page multiple times throughout the day.
    (If it matters, I'm working within an environment of which I'm one of the only users so it's unlikely the "Recommended" status is coming from other users.)
  • Guido Preite Profile Picture
    Guido Preite 1,483 on 23 Mar 2023 at 17:19:07
    Re: customize Recommended/Custom/All tables?


    I don't think that is possible to change the navigation on but there is a tool called "Metadata browser" inside XrmToolBox that can assist you on checking the table and column properties of your instance

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