Please be so kind as to read my whole question before responding.
Thank you for your consideration.
Recently, I've had to work with lead and related tables for some JavaScript/TypeScript webresources.
I needed to check up some column definitions and logical names without actually customizing any of those tables or columns.
Searching for almost any table I needed in the Tables register in make.powerapps.com always requires/required this annoying extra click to "All" since what I seem to be looking for never seems to be "Recommended" 😅, but random other, to me often useless, tables seem to be.
Hence my question:
- Is it possible at all to modify which tables are listed under recommended? (I'm assuming no)
- How does a random BPF entity end up in "Recommended"? (I'm assuming nobody knows)
- Would it be possible to put "All" first or automatically switch to "All" instead of going through "Recommended"? (I'm assuming no)
I am aware that I could be putting the tables that I need in a solution but that also requires extra clicks for setup and navigating the solution, and it seems a bit tedious to me since I'm not planning any customization on said tables.
Yes, I know that I could be deleting the solution afterwards easily.
Thanks and best of regards,