I am using the 'Export To File for Power BI Reports' Action in a Power Automate with ReportLevelFiltering. The filter value have + character and I encoded it to %2B. The Power BI Report is not filtering with that filter. If I take the filter text from the power automate parameters box and put in the Power BI Report URL like 'filter=******' the report is being filtered properly. So there is no use in the format & content of the filter rule. Any feedback what could be happening in Power Automate 'Export To File for Power BI Reports' Action?
Export To File for Power BI Reports not filtering with escape character
The Table Name and Column Name do not have any space or special characters, it only have _.
When I copy the filter value in the Power Automate Parameters screen in the Power BI URL with 'filter=' the visuals are filtered correctly. Here it shows the filter selected properly with filter on URL.
This is how I coded in the Power Automate filter string
The parameter screen I posted with my question is from the executed flow input.
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