Hi All,
I am new to Power Automate. I have created a flow that copies a file from one sharepoint folder to another. I would the copied file to be renamed as follows: [Filename] YY MM DD.
Is it possible to do this?
Thanks in Advance
I am doing a similar function which your solution worked wonders for however- is it possible to then share the new file via email as a link with a delay of 24 hours. I do this every day and so the file name obviously changes every day and I'm having some difficulty in actually linking or finding the file to share as it hasn't been created yet.
Kind regards 🙂
Hello @Skybluekid ,
instead of the 'Copy file' action use two different actions: 'Get file content' to get the file content followed by 'Create file' where you use the file content to create a new file with the new name (and don't forget to add also the file extension). You might need a few expressions to inject the date in the file name though as explained e.g. here.