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Issues with embed in custom website.

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Hi all, 

I am hoping someone has a workaround for this. 

When I test the bot in the demo site - there is lots of space and it looks great. 

  • The header = 1cm which is the green title bar
  • The section in the middle to read and choose options = 6cm
  • The text entry bar = 1cm where users enter text 


However, when I embed in a custom website, tested on different browsers and environments: 

  • The header = 1cm (all good) 
  • The section in the middle to read, interact and choose options is 2cm, making it not usable/readable. (Not great!) 
  • There is a scroll bar for the first choice, other than that the scroll bar disappears. 
  • The text entry bar = 1cm (all good) 


The issue is this: clients are looking for the same look and feel as the demo site, with a low code option. 

The parameters of the project I'm working on are to test low code options with ease of use and ease of deployment.  So far, PVA is awesome on the flow/build/test side, unusable on the display side for custom embed comparative to competitors. 

Any low code solutions or ideas? 



  • Issues with embed in custom website.
    is there anyway I can embed this to my power apps?
  • remidyon Profile Picture
    remidyon on at
    Re: Issues with embed in custom website.

    Live and learn! Every day!



  • rl_3 Profile Picture
    rl_3 7 on at
    Re: Issues with embed in custom website.

    Thankyou, it was actually my bad trying to push through things too fast. I am hesitant to admit if I'd read the documentation slowly and closely, I would have avoided my issue, or at least being aware of how to fix it. Live and learn, right? Thanks so much for responding. 

  • Verified answer
    remidyon Profile Picture
    remidyon on at
    Re: Issues with embed in custom website.

    You can try to play with the CSS since the bot is just basic HTML. 

    Here is an example that will customize the size / color of a bot:

     .heading {
     background-color: black;
     height: 50px;
     .main {
     margin: 18px;
     border-radius: 4px;
     p, .p, .page_section p, .section-diagonal-left p, .section-diagonal-right p{
     font-size: 15px !important;
     #webchat {
     position: fixed;
     height: 500px; 
     width: 400px; 
     bottom: 40px;
     right: 40px;
     overflow: hidden;
     border: 0.5rem outset black;
     outline: 0.1rem solid red;
     box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.5rem grey;
     border-radius: 12px;

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