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Sharing with multiple users at once

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Hi Everyone, 
I am trying to share my app with a list of email addresses (all have correct licenses), previously I would copy the emails into outlook and check names and then copy from there into the share section and it would populate with everyone in the list. Now since the share bit has been updated it won't let me do this, even separating the emails with semi-colons doesn't work it just combines them all together and says that person wasn't found.
Is there a quicker way to do this without sharing with each person one email address at a time?
  • ronaldwalcott Profile Picture
    ronaldwalcott 1,501 on at
    Sharing with multiple users at once
    FYI - Looks as if they changed the control in the dialog to a single selection combo box.
  • Suggested answer
    SebS Profile Picture
    SebS 4,141 on at
    Sharing with multiple users at once


    The best practice is to create an Active Directory (AD) Security Group. You can share the app with this group, which allows you to add or remove users easily. You can also add users in bulk to this security group from the Admin Center or even Outlook.

    Keep in mind that this is different from an Office 365 (O365) Security Group. With an M365 Security Group, you can't share apps. Alternatively, you can click on the three dots in the top right corner and switch to the classic Share Mode to continue sharing the app as you did before.

    Hope this helps!

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