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Power Apps - Building Power Apps

Who will recieve the Power Apps access requests

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I have a power apps, and users are getting these popups to access the power apps:-
so who will receicve those requests? only the App creator/owner ? or also the co-workers? I am the owner/creator of this app, but i want to delegate the approval to some co-workers.. is this possbile
  • johnjohnPter Profile Picture
    johnjohnPter 1,388 on at
    Who will recieve the Power Apps access requests
    Yes seems this is the case, hope this will be fixed soon..Thanks
  • johnjohnPter Profile Picture
    johnjohnPter 1,388 on at
    Who will recieve the Power Apps access requests
    If we send the power apps link to a user and the user does not have access to the Power Apps, the user will get this access request popup and the request will be sent to the owner of the app..
  • timl Profile Picture
    timl 33,150 on at
    Who will recieve the Power Apps access requests
    I believe that only the original owner receives the requests. Co-owners won't receive the email and it's not something that can be delegated to other co-workers.
    This is an issue that's been complained about here.
  • Pstork1 Profile Picture
    Pstork1 64,505 on at
    Who will recieve the Power Apps access requests
    Are you sure this isn't an access request for access to the Data Source behind the app, for example SharePoint? I'm not aware of any built in capability to request access to an app that hasn't been shared with you. So what exactly is generating this access request?

    If this Post helped you, please click "Does this answer your question" and give it a like to help others in the community find the answer too!

    Paul Papanek Stork, MVP

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