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Advice on Power App build to link family member details together??

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Posted on 1 Oct 2024 19:35:32 by 84
I am relatively new to Power Apps and struggling to fully understand the correct process.
I think I need to create a table to enter details for the head of a household where I capture contact details, age, etc.
I then need to be able to link other members of the family to that main record, so thought that creating the primary name column as Autonumber in the main record which could then be automatically applied to the subsequent family member records.
Then I need to be able to take details of employment or education etc for one or more of the family members.
I hope that if I can create the tables as I need them, that when the app is built I can set it up so that after adding the first prime person I am able to add the option to link further people to that main entry and then in turn add options to input education/employment/other details to be linked to the individual they relate to, but with the common theme of being linked to the prime family member.
I have searched the forums and YouTube for help, but cannot find anything similar to the app I am trying to build. Can anyone offer any advice on where I can start to find guidance on how to go about achieving this?
  • _GBH_ Profile Picture
    _GBH_ 84 on 02 Oct 2024 at 07:48:56
    Advice on Power App build to link family member details together??
    Hello Robu1,  thank you for your reply. May I ask whether you can give me any advice on how to link the autonumber to automatically be added to the head of household? I am unsure of how to link the 2 forms together. Also with 3. needs to be created as a table within the solution in order to create the form from there? Or can it be a form created within the app itself? 
  • Suggested answer
    Robu1 Profile Picture
    Robu1 918 on 01 Oct 2024 at 22:56:54
    Advice on Power App build to link family member details together??
    Thank you for choosing Microsoft Community. 
    Go to
    Type in these prompt(s) and make tweaks if required no.
    Create a Power Apps app to manage household information. The app should have the following features:
    1. A form to input details for the head of a household, including contact details and age.
    2. A form to add family members linked to the household head using an Autonumber.
    3. Forms to input employment and education details for family members, linked to the respective family member.
    4. Galleries to display the household head, family members, and their employment/education details.
    5. Ensure all data is linked appropriately to maintain relationships between household heads, family members, and their details.

    If this resolves the issue. Please mark as solved to enable others in the community to find it.
    kind regards.
  • bscarlavai33 Profile Picture
    bscarlavai33 446 on 01 Oct 2024 at 20:03:16
    Advice on Power App build to link family member details together??
    Have you tried using Copilot in the portal? It will help get an app started and even build out the tables for you as well. That could give you a good start.

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