Hi All
We are trying to integrate SharePoint document access into our Portal. I have followed all the steps at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerapps/maker/portals/manage-sharepoint-documents
I have built an entity list page for the entity we are using to store the SharePoint document details. For the entity list I have enabled Create and pointed it to the entity page I have created which contains the sub grid which is required for the file upload to SharePoint. Initially the entity is empty as nothing has been uploaded to SharePoint yet. I have a problem, as per Step 4 in the 'Manage SharePoint documents' I have set the form Mode to Edit, which the article says is required to allow documents to upload. However with that mode set when I access the form with the sub grid I get the message 'The record you are looking for couldn't be found. I guess this is because to edit you need a record to edit. I have tried changing the mode to Insert, which I would have thought is needed to create a new record, I get the yellow screen with the message 'TargetEntityPrimaryKeyName can not be null'. So how do we start with a new entity. What am I missing? Does the article make some assumptions as the example uses pre existing forms, we are building our pages from scratch.
Hello - I am experiencing similar issue. have we figure out the solution for the issue?
did you find a solution? I have the same problem.