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Patching Dataverse within ForAll as specified by a Collection

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Hi all,

I'm having trouble with a Patch operation from within PowerApps and I hoped someone here could help me.

I have a collection (MyCollection) with a column containing an ID (CollectionID).
Using a ForAll loop, I'm trying to Patch a choice column ('My Parameter') in each record of a Dataverse Table(MyDataverseTable), where the column 'Dataverse ID' is equal to the CollectionID of the current item being iterated in MyCollection.

So, if the CollectionID of the current record is 1234, it should patch the 'My Parameter' column of the record with the 'Dataverse ID' of 1234.

I've tried permutations of things like:

		'Dataverse ID' = Text( MyCollection[@Collection_ID] )
	{'My Parameter':'My Parameter (MyDataverseTable)'.Yes}


It seems however, that the CollectionID of the Collection record is not accessible inside the LookUp.
The code does not throw an error, it simply seems to do nothing.

What am I doing wrong here?

Thanks for any input!

  • R_March Profile Picture
    R_March on at
    Re: Patching Dataverse within ForAll as specified by a Collection

    Hi all,

    Thanks for your suggestions. They both work, I took the first one for simplicity. However, what was also making things not work was the "Text(MyCollection.Collection_ID)" part of the formula, as it was not being delegated. As a workaround I added an extra column to my collection with the same ID in Text format, did the comparison then and now it works fine. Thanks once more!

  • Ethan_009 Profile Picture
    Ethan_009 4,836 on at
    Re: Patching Dataverse within ForAll as specified by a Collection

    Hi @R_March ,


    Try the following code

     CurrentRecord: LookUp(MyDataverseTable,
     'Dataverse ID' = Text( ThisRecord[@Collection_ID] )
     'My Parameter':'My Parameter (MyDataverseTable)'.Yes


    Hope this helps

  • Verified answer
    scalca Profile Picture
    scalca on at
    Re: Patching Dataverse within ForAll as specified by a Collection

    what you can do is to add the As function into ForAll
    so for example, ForAll(MyCollection As CollectionRecord, Patch(DataverseTable, LookUp(DataverseTable, Id = Text(CollectionRecord.Id))

    the choice value must match value in your Dataverse Table where you can references directly the dataverse column in order to get the choice values

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