Is there any way to add custom code to the default submit button on a basic form in a portal page?
Option 1 User wants the button to not be visible if a data value from a drop down = a specific value.
Option 2 would be to navigate the user to a different web page that was just an info page if a data value from a drop down = a specific value... Is there a way to do that?
I thought about breaking up the form to be a multi select form, but I have the same issue where once the user enters a value in a field, after they submit - take them to an information page and don't show or go through the rest of the steps on the form.
Also I would need to make sure if they continued with the next multi step form they are still adding field data to the same record, not creating a second one.
New to Power Pages - looking for design idea's
All suggestions welcome - thank you in advance
1. you can show/hide, or deactivate/activate the button using JQuery/JavaScript, similar to
2. Use a multistep form instead of a basic form. You create a Condition step to move a user to a different Step than the main pathway.