Re: Modern Controls - people picker
To address the limitation of a 999-item cap, consider adopting an alternative strategy by utilizing a modern combo box instead of a dropdown. For setting the item values, you can use the following approach with the Office365Users connector to dynamically search and filter users:
searchTerm: ComboboxCanvas1.SearchText,
top: 50,
isSearchTermRequired: false
Configure the combo box to display the following user fields:
- Display Name
- Mail
Implement an onChange event script to update the selected employee's information. You can use the following code snippet to set the EmpObject with the necessary details, ensuring seamless integration:
Set(EmpObject, { '@odata.type': "#Microsoft.Azure.Connectors.SharePoint.SPListExpandedUser", Claims: "i:0#.f|membership|" & Employee.Selected.Mail, Department: "", DisplayName: Employee.Selected.DisplayName, Email: Employee.Selected.Mail, JobTitle: "", Picture: "" } )
This method enhances flexibility and user experience by allowing dynamic searches and selections beyond the standard item limit, ensuring that you can efficiently manage and reference a large number of users within your application.