I'm using the "Execute a SOQL Query" action to get records from Salesforce. When I look at the JSON that returns me, it says that has 5729 rows ("body": {"totalSize": 5729 ....}) but if I look at the JSON, it really only has 2000 records. Is there any kind of limitation with this action and any way to solve this?
I know that for the "Get Records" action you can set in Settings --> Pagination to 10000 (for example) to remove the limitation, but I don't see this option available in "Execute a SOQL Query".
I'm using the related __r. fieldName so I think I can't use the "Get records" action because I can only specify fields for a single object.
Could you help me to get all records (not limited to 2000) from a salesforce query with related fields?
Thank you!
same when you try to ingest larger CSV files. It just goes into the crying corner and curls into a ball.
Feel free to raise a support ticket.
I am aware of the case sensitivity nature of SFDC's objects.
The larger issue remains. If the SOQL query is to large, the SOQL widget in Power Automate truncates the result. I would rather it throw an error.
there are some small issues. Id is case sensitive in SFDC. You may want to use Case Safe ID instead.
Join would be a better verb. Example:
Id ,
Opportunity__c ,
User__c ,
Assigned_To__c ,
AccountId ,
CaseNumber ,
LastModifiedDate ,
Preferred_Platform__c ,
Start_Date__c ,
Completion_Date__c ,
Kickoff_Meeting_Date__c ,
Status ,
( Record_Type_Name__c = 'My Special Type' )
Id ,
Comments__c ,
Subject ,
Description ,
Request_Type_Internal__c ,
( Record_Type_Name__c = 'My Special Type' )
As you can see, each query has a common Object (Case), Column (Id), and WHERE clause.
Looking for an LEFT or INNER JOIN in DB parlance. SOQL 1 and SOQL 2 should return the same number of rows.
I want to join the results of both queries into a single array of objects. Ideally the Join should not have to specify the fields to Join. Just Join all.
I am checking the option to download SF report from (azure-hosted) python script 😕
merge or append?
The issue still remains. Something about returning 500k of data breaks something.
I my case I have split the queries into several parts. That then requires the same number of processes to move the results, in my case, into SharePoint lists. I have to do this because I can't find a way to merge two arrays with many fields and that have a single common key. If I could then the rest of the process would be unchanged.
Hi, what was the end result? Has the limitation been lifted? I am in the proces of flow creation and I am not sure whether to use SOQL or objects...