Hi, I am using the systemuser User table in the dataverse but have noticed a small amount of users aren’t present within this table.
Comparing a missing user to someone who is present I can see that they have exactly the same license plan – Microsoft 365 Business Standard. I’m a bit confused as to why one is user present and another is not if they have the same license plan.
This page was helpful ( https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/Microsoft-Dataverse/Missing-users-in-Dataverse/td-p/887753
) and I can manually add a missing user to the environment to solve the issue, but it seems strange to have to do that manually.
Any advice greatly appreciated.
Hi @Simeon_Ivanov ,
If the users have Power Apps Per User licenses then they would normally show up in the environment. Check to make sure the environment is not limited to a specific group (https://forwardforever.com/dynamic-nested-azure-ad-groups-and-power-apps-access-management/)
This is not exactly true to my case because everyone in my organization has Power Apps per User license but I can see less than 10% of the users. This is a newly created environment.
Can you please share what the reason for this may be?
Yes you cant filter a view based on the current user in the AADUser table so beware.
Thanks so much this has been very helpful and useful information. Cheers
Right on the AADUser table, this does not require licenses to Power Apps... It is virtual table looking at Azure Active Directory. There are some open issues with this table that are being addressed around searching / filtering but this is the go-ahead approach.
Hi @RobChilds ,
There are ways that some of the users will show up but I have had this be flaky in the past. They may have had an assignment to a license that allowed them, may have been manually added, been in a flow in that environment that required approvals, etc. Overall it is inconsistent and Microsoft is locking this down more and more to tie to the licenses. Example, I used to be able to manually add the user to the environment through the admin.powerplatform.com interface but now this fails if they do not have a license.
It’s weird that one Microsoft 365 Business Standard user is in the table and another is not.
That’s really helpful to know about the AADUser table as we want app users to be able to add/select staff members (who don’t use the app). So if I have understood correctly by using the AADUser table not everyone has to be assigned an appropriate PowerApps license then.
Thanks kindly
Thanks for your reply.
Both the users in question only have the Microsoft 365 Business Standard plan, but bear in mind that 1 user is present in the table and another is not, hence my confusion.
It says I’m unable assign a security role to my environment.
Hi @RobChilds ,
That license will not automatically extend the user to the systemusers table in Dataverse. Overall Microsoft is beginning to restrict these users to only ones that are allocated appropriate license in the environment (Power Apps Per User, Power Apps Per App, Dynamics 365, etc.)
A new table exists called AADUser that is a virtual table to the users in Azure Active Directory. I have been starting to connect this to refer to users that are not licensed for Dataverse if I am working on projects that associate these users to entities in my model. The systemusers, long term, should focus on true "users" that will access the applications on top of that environment.
Hi @RobChilds,
Is the user assigned the Power Apps app license though? It should be called something like Power Apps for Office 365 (Plan 3).
Additionally, do you have an Azure AD security group assigned to the Power Apps environment in question? If so, is the user a member of that security group?
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