I have this connector working perfectly until yesterday, and when I tried to fix the connector, it gives me this error pop-up:
Please help!
Even if you have a business account and you are an admin but also a user (as a login account) in the same time,
If you don't set your account as a USER, it won't work.
Admin Panel > Products > change role to User. (no worries, you are still admin too).
Then log in always as a user in power automate (no group admin, no admin).
My flows are now all working also.
I can also confirm that the problem has been resolved! 😥
Adobe Acrobat Sign connector for Power Automate seems to have been restored. My flows successfully ran.
Note, even after re-adding Adobe Acrobat Sign as a connector, I needed to re-add each trigger/action using Adobe Acrobat Sign connector.
I confirmed that the problem has been fixed !🙂
Would be interested to see how you go after testing. I'm going to test again with my colleague's subscription tomorrow as I'd like to see if that fixes the problem before committing to the new subscription.
I haven't been able to test yet, I had to schedule a meeting with an Adobe rep to buy the subscription.
Thanks for the update kboudreaux. Have you tested whether it is working at the enterprise subscription level? I tested that with a colleague's enterprise level subscription yesterday and I still got the same error.
Apparently you can only use the connector if you have an enterprise adobe sign license. Adobe is saying it was a bug that was fixed and now we have to pay extra for it.
Has anyone seen a fix to this yet? Still having the same problem and still trying to get an answer out of Adobe support.