I have created a new flow that will send two emails when the status of a record in a document library is change to Data Call. The emails includes a sharing link to a document. A user changed the status to Data Call yesterday and the expected emails went out perfectly. Oddly, about an hour later, five more sets of both emails were sent out. In the details pane for that record it statues "SharePoint shared this file" at the exact times the emails went out. When I view the output of the Get Changes for an Item, it shows that the status field was changed but there is no record in the details pane showing that someone changed the status. I turned the flow off to stop the continuous emails. Later turned it back on and it sent another set of emails out and then it appear to be done.
I'm wondering if this is a case of a continuously running flow that would benefit by entering the formula in the settings for When an Item is Created or Modified to prevent the flow from running when SharePoint changes a record. Any help is greatly appreciated.