I’m working on a Power Automate flow that creates or updates an item in a SharePoint list from a Microsoft Form submission. I’m using the “Get user profile” action to pull the User ID. My goal is to allow individuals to update their original submission using their User ID as the unique key. How can this be fixed or what can I use as a unique key that I can reference when deciding if the form should create or update a row on the SharePoint list?
Here’s what I’ve done so far:
UserID eq variables('UserID')
- keeps saying the expression is invalid and when testing says it is a bad request. It also displays the error message: ‘InvalidVariableOperation’ and message ‘The inputs of workflow run action ‘Get_items’ of type ‘OpenApiConnection’ are not valid. The variable ‘UserID’ must be initialized before it can be used inside action ‘Get_items’.’